Hey there again! My page views recently spiked up like 1000 in the past 2 months so I figured I better post some shit! And why not post some tactics am I right? (just say yes...). Anyway, here will be my quick overview of MEGANOBZ ('dez a gud 'un boss!):
Coming in at 40 points a model, they bring a pretty beefy stat line at WS/BS/T/S 4, W 2, I 2, LD 8, and 2+ save, with Slow and Purposeful. All pimped out with a TL shoota and a PK. "OMEHGAWD!!! TWO WOUND TERMINATORS!!! ORKZ ARE BEST EVAARR!!!111!!!" Now hold on, They have two wounds and a 2+ save with PK's, but that doesn't mean they are the toughest/cheesiest unit GW has ever produced (they done much worse with the new Taudar lists running around). They also aren't necessarily better then terminators, because the one thing these guys lack is a frickin' Invulnerable save! Even regular terminators have a 5+ inv. While the 2 wound 2+ save makes these guys dead 'ard against small arms fire (ahem...guardsmen?), It does mean that these guys get utterly butt raped by anything that's AP 2, and if you encounter a drop sternguard group with combi-meltas, your gonna have a baaaaaddd time. Essentially, with anything is at least strength 8 and AP 2, your pretty fucked. There slow and purposeful is also a major pain in the posterior, as it means you can't make sweeping advances, which, more often then not, a canny (I used a vocab word!) opponent will exploit these to either forever tar pit your guys in 50 man squad of guard or continually run away and shoot you in the face (freakin' pansies...). Now, when running these guys it is mandatory you run them up in a battle-wagon with a deff-rolla. If you don't your a n00bl0rd. This will allow them that crucial 12' movement. The fact is that your opponent will see these ultra death-star, baby-eating, dream-crushing, face-wrecking unit and shit there pants in fear. Thus they will fire everything at it. Be prepared for these. That is the point of these unit. It will attract so much fire that the rest of your army will get through unscathed. And even if your opponent tries to be "Tactical" Then your mega-nobz will hit like a fucking truck. try 16 S 9 AP 2 attacks and see a unit try and survive this *HINT* they won't.
Overall: 7/10: While an absolutely fun unit to play, and dead 'ard, Mega-Nobz shy away from there greatness by being so gosh-darn slow! There lack of inv. saves really hurts there ability to withstand any special weapons. However, They are a hilarious unit to use and the look on your opponents face when you tell them they have two wounds is priceless, and I will almost always run a squad of these for this reason.
A blog for 40k. Everything from Tactics, to modeling and painting, we'll do!
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Sunday, September 15, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Ah shit.....I had a BLOG?
So.............Hi. Sorry I've been gone for a year, I kinda sorta forgot I made a blog in the first place, next thing you know your searching the internet for ork lists and then this blog pops up. I figure I should probably post something considering this blog is starting to get more page views. So This is an informal way of saying, "Yo dude, sorry I like kinda forgot you existed but like, whatever bro!" (It's a Cali thing). So Hi!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
It is a sad day in ork history my friends, Unless you have been living under a rock Im sure you wargamers have all heard that 6th ed. is now out for Warhammer 40k. And Im sure if you read the ork errata then you know what the title means by THE ORKS GOT NERFED. Now kustom force fields only provide 5+ cover to vehicles, Furious charge grants only+1S and not the +1I now, and to really punch orks in the balls is the fact that now Deffrollas only do a d6 S10 hits now. And just as the poor orks lie clutching their tenders, 6th Ed. comes back to spit on us one last time by declaring that now when we charge, we get to be fired at by the unit we are assualting, although at only a BS of 1. Still, that makes a unit of 50 gaurdsmen a formidable foe. However, We orks are smart gits. We will learn to adapted to the new rules that they place us in. Flash Gits now ignore cover, and lootas can shred light vehciles even better now with the glacing hits each causing a single hull point of damage, we get so many shots that we will be killing a vehicle a turn with them.
Its a new rule set, and still in its infancy. There will be changes, updates, new codices, but we orks are tough, we will learn how to fight a propa fight no matta wot! WE'Z DA ORKS, AND YOU IZ NOT!
Its a new rule set, and still in its infancy. There will be changes, updates, new codices, but we orks are tough, we will learn how to fight a propa fight no matta wot! WE'Z DA ORKS, AND YOU IZ NOT!
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Inquisitorial Storm Troopers are cut apart by a group of Ork Nobz |
Ork Nobz. These guys are the big hitters. 3-10 per group, Coming in at 20 pts. a pop these are not bad on price, but what you get with the price is what matters. WS:4 BS:2 S:4 T:4 W:2 I:3 A:3 Ld:7 Sv:6+. Wait that can't be right, a 2 wound 20 pt model? Yes that's right, 2 Wound 20 point models, with 3 attacks (not including close combat weapons.) There are some downsides, such as only I:3, but all Orks have low I. Don't forget the Ld. 7 and Sv. of only 6+ You say. I say in return, that those states are deciving you. You see, Ork Nobz have a little something called upgrades, and with a lot of them too! I'll run through the ones that are actually Important, as all the other upgrades in my opinion are crap.
Nob Bikers: +25 points, gives the Nob a bike and all the other rules involving bikes with it. Thoughts: I like this upgrade, though very expensive, a squad of Nob bikers is one of the games best units. Increasing the Nobz Toughness to 5, and giving them a 4+ invulnerable save, it's worth every point.
Big Choppa: +5 points, CCW that adds +2 to the Nobz strength. Thoughts: I personally like this upgrade, as it pumps up the nob to effectivly 7 S. on the charge, and is a cheap way of allowing your Nobz to smash light vehicles.
Power Klaw: +25 points, power fist. Thoughts: A must have in Nob Squads, It allows the Nobz to Wreck anything they are up against, I use this upgrade in every Nob Squad I have ever run. There are pages upon pages of people simply writing Ork Tacticas centered around this single piece of gear.
'Eavy armour: +5 points, 4+ save Thoughts: Good, good, a decent piece of wargear to spend on if you have the points remaining.
WAAAGH! Banner: +15 points, +1 WS to all models in the squad. Thoughts: I have seen friends use this to great extent, and it is a piece of wargear that is very good at pumping up states at a very cheap price.
Painboy: +30 points, upgrades a single Nob to a Painboy, giving every Nob in the Squad feel no pain.
Thoughts: Another must have, Feel no pain is a great ability giving you a second armor save. It is wonderful upgrade for you newbies out there who are playing against other n00bs as when you plop down your uber awesome nob invincibel (lol I can't spell) squad nothing will stand in your way (Que evil manic laughter) No but seriously these guys rock.
Cybork body: +5 points, 5+ Inv. save. Thoughts: Another way to protect your Nobz.
Overview: Nobz are a great unit and probably the best elite option in the Ork codex, If you don't have a squad of them, Get some now.
BOO I'm back!!!
Hey guys!
As many of you know (well actually not that many, i don't even have 500 views yet!!) I have not been very good at posting (The last post I made was last year). But fear not!!! Summer is beginning, and the school year ending, so I will have more free time (Hurray). I will try to make a post every week (probably not gonna happen) but I will begin posting more, so that's an up. Stay cool -Warbossgibs
As many of you know (well actually not that many, i don't even have 500 views yet!!) I have not been very good at posting (The last post I made was last year). But fear not!!! Summer is beginning, and the school year ending, so I will have more free time (Hurray). I will try to make a post every week (probably not gonna happen) but I will begin posting more, so that's an up. Stay cool -Warbossgibs
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Tis' the season to be trolling trol lol lol lol lol lol lol.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
WAAAGH! DA ORKS! Wierdboyz!
Hola (that's hi in Spanish). I am coming out with the new edition to WAAAGH! THE ORKS! reviewing each and every one of units in the orks army. As some of you may have noticed, I am not really consistent at posting new content, as I usually just come out with two or three posts one night then wait a month (or several) to post new content. I'M SORRY TO THOSE LEGIONS OF FANS WHO DIE TO HEAR MY CONTENT AS I SURE THERE ARE MANY (not). Also I'll try to improve spelling and grammar in my post as people nag me constantly on it ( I'm only human!!!!). With those things out of the way I'm going to present the long awaited, Hugely anticipated.......
WAAAGH! DA ORKS! Weirdboyz
Alright, First things first. Stats. A very modest looking HQ (for orks dat iz!) with the same states as the Big Mek. (basically Nob stats). He comes in at 50 pts, which is good for a psycher. He has no upgrades except for the option of upgrading him to a warphead, allowing him to reroll any roll on the psychic table, the table where he gets his powers. At 30 pts this isn't cheap, but I highly recommend it as it can prove very powerful.
* 1) 'ead banger: causing a frazzle attack, except the template is placed over the Weirdboy. Thoughts: Not exactly a good psychic power. This is one of the reasons to take The Warphead Upgrade. Statistically In a 6 turn game this will happen at least once, and its not when you got a group of 30 boyz around him. When with the Warhead upgrade when you roll this once you only have a 1 in 36 chance of rolling it again, so the odds are in your favor.
* 2) Frazzle: A psychic shooting attack with 24" str: 6 AP:3 blast, pining. Thoughts: I was surprised at how good this was. Its a marine killer, but can also be used as a control spell due to its pining and low AP. Very nice.
* 3) Zzap: A psychic shooting attack with 36" Str:10 AP:2 Melta. Thoughts: The Stats on this thing look great, One of the best tank busters in the game, however, the Weirdboyz BS of 2 keep it in check. Lets estimate the chances of him actually killing a tank with this. Let's assume we target a land raider with armour 14, a Weirdboy has 1/3 chance to hit and 2/3 chance of missing, penetrating on a 5 or higher on 2 dice in melta range (successfully penetrating 26 out of 36 times ). That s 1/3 X 20/36 or 20/114 chance to hit and pen....only a 17.5% success rate. To destroy it you need a 5 or 6, dropping your chances below 6% (not bad math, eh?) meaning this power is not a reliable tank killer. The low BS is a killer and makes this power highly unreliable.
4) Warpath: Gives all models in the Weirdboyz unit an extra attack until the beginning of the next Ork turn. Thoughts: Orks gaining additional attacks is always good, and even better when the effect lasts until the beginning of the next Ork turn. This means Your boyz stay uber through your opponents turn. This means you could if the Weirdboy is attached to a unit of 20 Slugga Boyz you will get 100 attacks, yes, 100 attacks on the charge. Although the boyz would normally get 80 attacks the addition 20 makes your victory even more assured. Its a good physic power and it fits the theme of the army well.
5) 'Ere We Go: This allows the Weirdboy and his unit to be placed anywhere on the board vie deep strike special rules. Thoughts: This is an interesting power, but it says "Via deep strike" and we all know deep strike kinda SUCKS, but really, deep strike now a days is terrible unless your shooty, or your the dumb @$$ blood angles who are so ridiculously good at that because they get the awesome assault when they deep strike, but for Orks it just doesn't work. I've seen people use a mob of Shoota Boyz with him and that can be fun, but not effective.
6) WAAAGH!: this power is exactly as it sounds like, it gives your entire army an extra WAAAGH!. Thoughts: Okay, this is the reason why us Ork Warbosses and Warlords pay da Teef to keep dis 'ere loons around. They basically get charged up on the Ork WAAAGH! energy that they release it upon his Ork buddies and it causes an additional WAAAGH!. This is pure Awesome, as all of you know that a WAAAGH! is essential to how the orks play. Imagine not 1, but 2, yes 2, a game. Statistically this should happen once a game. But ( oh no a but!) since the Weirdboy takes his physic test at the Beginning of the shooting phase, you have no way of knowing if you will role a six, so this makes this physic power very hard to use as none of your guys may be in a postion to make a charge, rendering this physic power not as good as it should be.
Overall: 6/10. While his physic powers are good, the random element of it makes it not very effective as a HQ in whole, and he is better off in causal game play then Tournament play.
WAAAGH! DA ORKS! Weirdboyz
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The Y U NO guy seems to not like my picture choice. |
Alright, First things first. Stats. A very modest looking HQ (for orks dat iz!) with the same states as the Big Mek. (basically Nob stats). He comes in at 50 pts, which is good for a psycher. He has no upgrades except for the option of upgrading him to a warphead, allowing him to reroll any roll on the psychic table, the table where he gets his powers. At 30 pts this isn't cheap, but I highly recommend it as it can prove very powerful.
* 1) 'ead banger: causing a frazzle attack, except the template is placed over the Weirdboy. Thoughts: Not exactly a good psychic power. This is one of the reasons to take The Warphead Upgrade. Statistically In a 6 turn game this will happen at least once, and its not when you got a group of 30 boyz around him. When with the Warhead upgrade when you roll this once you only have a 1 in 36 chance of rolling it again, so the odds are in your favor.
* 2) Frazzle: A psychic shooting attack with 24" str: 6 AP:3 blast, pining. Thoughts: I was surprised at how good this was. Its a marine killer, but can also be used as a control spell due to its pining and low AP. Very nice.
* 3) Zzap: A psychic shooting attack with 36" Str:10 AP:2 Melta. Thoughts: The Stats on this thing look great, One of the best tank busters in the game, however, the Weirdboyz BS of 2 keep it in check. Lets estimate the chances of him actually killing a tank with this. Let's assume we target a land raider with armour 14, a Weirdboy has 1/3 chance to hit and 2/3 chance of missing, penetrating on a 5 or higher on 2 dice in melta range (successfully penetrating 26 out of 36 times ). That s 1/3 X 20/36 or 20/114 chance to hit and pen....only a 17.5% success rate. To destroy it you need a 5 or 6, dropping your chances below 6% (not bad math, eh?) meaning this power is not a reliable tank killer. The low BS is a killer and makes this power highly unreliable.
4) Warpath: Gives all models in the Weirdboyz unit an extra attack until the beginning of the next Ork turn. Thoughts: Orks gaining additional attacks is always good, and even better when the effect lasts until the beginning of the next Ork turn. This means Your boyz stay uber through your opponents turn. This means you could if the Weirdboy is attached to a unit of 20 Slugga Boyz you will get 100 attacks, yes, 100 attacks on the charge. Although the boyz would normally get 80 attacks the addition 20 makes your victory even more assured. Its a good physic power and it fits the theme of the army well.
5) 'Ere We Go: This allows the Weirdboy and his unit to be placed anywhere on the board vie deep strike special rules. Thoughts: This is an interesting power, but it says "Via deep strike" and we all know deep strike kinda SUCKS, but really, deep strike now a days is terrible unless your shooty, or your the dumb @$$ blood angles who are so ridiculously good at that because they get the awesome assault when they deep strike, but for Orks it just doesn't work. I've seen people use a mob of Shoota Boyz with him and that can be fun, but not effective.
6) WAAAGH!: this power is exactly as it sounds like, it gives your entire army an extra WAAAGH!. Thoughts: Okay, this is the reason why us Ork Warbosses and Warlords pay da Teef to keep dis 'ere loons around. They basically get charged up on the Ork WAAAGH! energy that they release it upon his Ork buddies and it causes an additional WAAAGH!. This is pure Awesome, as all of you know that a WAAAGH! is essential to how the orks play. Imagine not 1, but 2, yes 2, a game. Statistically this should happen once a game. But ( oh no a but!) since the Weirdboy takes his physic test at the Beginning of the shooting phase, you have no way of knowing if you will role a six, so this makes this physic power very hard to use as none of your guys may be in a postion to make a charge, rendering this physic power not as good as it should be.
Overall: 6/10. While his physic powers are good, the random element of it makes it not very effective as a HQ in whole, and he is better off in causal game play then Tournament play.
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