It is a sad day in ork history my friends, Unless you have been living under a rock Im sure you wargamers have all heard that 6th ed. is now out for Warhammer 40k. And Im sure if you read the ork errata then you know what the title means by THE ORKS GOT NERFED. Now kustom force fields only provide 5+ cover to vehicles, Furious charge grants only+1S and not the +1I now, and to really punch orks in the balls is the fact that now Deffrollas only do a d6 S10 hits now. And just as the poor orks lie clutching their tenders, 6th Ed. comes back to spit on us one last time by declaring that now when we charge, we get to be fired at by the unit we are assualting, although at only a BS of 1. Still, that makes a unit of 50 gaurdsmen a formidable foe. However, We orks are smart gits. We will learn to adapted to the new rules that they place us in. Flash Gits now ignore cover, and lootas can shred light vehciles even better now with the glacing hits each causing a single hull point of damage, we get so many shots that we will be killing a vehicle a turn with them.
Its a new rule set, and still in its infancy. There will be changes, updates, new codices, but we orks are tough, we will learn how to fight a propa fight no matta wot! WE'Z DA ORKS, AND YOU IZ NOT!