Hey there again! My page views recently spiked up like 1000 in the past 2 months so I figured I better post some shit! And why not post some tactics am I right? (just say yes...). Anyway, here will be my quick overview of MEGANOBZ ('dez a gud 'un boss!):
Coming in at 40 points a model, they bring a pretty beefy stat line at WS/BS/T/S 4, W 2, I 2, LD 8, and 2+ save, with Slow and Purposeful. All pimped out with a TL shoota and a PK. "OMEHGAWD!!! TWO WOUND TERMINATORS!!! ORKZ ARE BEST EVAARR!!!111!!!" Now hold on, They have two wounds and a 2+ save with PK's, but that doesn't mean they are the toughest/cheesiest unit GW has ever produced (they done much worse with the new Taudar lists running around). They also aren't necessarily better then terminators, because the one thing these guys lack is a frickin' Invulnerable save! Even regular terminators have a 5+ inv. While the 2 wound 2+ save makes these guys dead 'ard against small arms fire (ahem...guardsmen?), It does mean that these guys get utterly butt raped by anything that's AP 2, and if you encounter a drop sternguard group with combi-meltas, your gonna have a baaaaaddd time. Essentially, with anything is at least strength 8 and AP 2, your pretty fucked. There slow and purposeful is also a major pain in the posterior, as it means you can't make sweeping advances, which, more often then not, a canny (I used a vocab word!) opponent will exploit these to either forever tar pit your guys in 50 man squad of guard or continually run away and shoot you in the face (freakin' pansies...). Now, when running these guys it is mandatory you run them up in a battle-wagon with a deff-rolla. If you don't your a n00bl0rd. This will allow them that crucial 12' movement. The fact is that your opponent will see these ultra death-star, baby-eating, dream-crushing, face-wrecking unit and shit there pants in fear. Thus they will fire everything at it. Be prepared for these. That is the point of these unit. It will attract so much fire that the rest of your army will get through unscathed. And even if your opponent tries to be "Tactical" Then your mega-nobz will hit like a fucking truck. try 16 S 9 AP 2 attacks and see a unit try and survive this *HINT* they won't.
Overall: 7/10: While an absolutely fun unit to play, and dead 'ard, Mega-Nobz shy away from there greatness by being so gosh-darn slow! There lack of inv. saves really hurts there ability to withstand any special weapons. However, They are a hilarious unit to use and the look on your opponents face when you tell them they have two wounds is priceless, and I will almost always run a squad of these for this reason.