Tis' the season to be trolling trol lol lol lol lol lol lol.
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Sunday, December 25, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
WAAAGH! DA ORKS! Wierdboyz!
Hola (that's hi in Spanish). I am coming out with the new edition to WAAAGH! THE ORKS! reviewing each and every one of units in the orks army. As some of you may have noticed, I am not really consistent at posting new content, as I usually just come out with two or three posts one night then wait a month (or several) to post new content. I'M SORRY TO THOSE LEGIONS OF FANS WHO DIE TO HEAR MY CONTENT AS I SURE THERE ARE MANY (not). Also I'll try to improve spelling and grammar in my post as people nag me constantly on it ( I'm only human!!!!). With those things out of the way I'm going to present the long awaited, Hugely anticipated.......
WAAAGH! DA ORKS! Weirdboyz
Alright, First things first. Stats. A very modest looking HQ (for orks dat iz!) with the same states as the Big Mek. (basically Nob stats). He comes in at 50 pts, which is good for a psycher. He has no upgrades except for the option of upgrading him to a warphead, allowing him to reroll any roll on the psychic table, the table where he gets his powers. At 30 pts this isn't cheap, but I highly recommend it as it can prove very powerful.
* 1) 'ead banger: causing a frazzle attack, except the template is placed over the Weirdboy. Thoughts: Not exactly a good psychic power. This is one of the reasons to take The Warphead Upgrade. Statistically In a 6 turn game this will happen at least once, and its not when you got a group of 30 boyz around him. When with the Warhead upgrade when you roll this once you only have a 1 in 36 chance of rolling it again, so the odds are in your favor.
* 2) Frazzle: A psychic shooting attack with 24" str: 6 AP:3 blast, pining. Thoughts: I was surprised at how good this was. Its a marine killer, but can also be used as a control spell due to its pining and low AP. Very nice.
* 3) Zzap: A psychic shooting attack with 36" Str:10 AP:2 Melta. Thoughts: The Stats on this thing look great, One of the best tank busters in the game, however, the Weirdboyz BS of 2 keep it in check. Lets estimate the chances of him actually killing a tank with this. Let's assume we target a land raider with armour 14, a Weirdboy has 1/3 chance to hit and 2/3 chance of missing, penetrating on a 5 or higher on 2 dice in melta range (successfully penetrating 26 out of 36 times ). That s 1/3 X 20/36 or 20/114 chance to hit and pen....only a 17.5% success rate. To destroy it you need a 5 or 6, dropping your chances below 6% (not bad math, eh?) meaning this power is not a reliable tank killer. The low BS is a killer and makes this power highly unreliable.
4) Warpath: Gives all models in the Weirdboyz unit an extra attack until the beginning of the next Ork turn. Thoughts: Orks gaining additional attacks is always good, and even better when the effect lasts until the beginning of the next Ork turn. This means Your boyz stay uber through your opponents turn. This means you could if the Weirdboy is attached to a unit of 20 Slugga Boyz you will get 100 attacks, yes, 100 attacks on the charge. Although the boyz would normally get 80 attacks the addition 20 makes your victory even more assured. Its a good physic power and it fits the theme of the army well.
5) 'Ere We Go: This allows the Weirdboy and his unit to be placed anywhere on the board vie deep strike special rules. Thoughts: This is an interesting power, but it says "Via deep strike" and we all know deep strike kinda SUCKS, but really, deep strike now a days is terrible unless your shooty, or your the dumb @$$ blood angles who are so ridiculously good at that because they get the awesome assault when they deep strike, but for Orks it just doesn't work. I've seen people use a mob of Shoota Boyz with him and that can be fun, but not effective.
6) WAAAGH!: this power is exactly as it sounds like, it gives your entire army an extra WAAAGH!. Thoughts: Okay, this is the reason why us Ork Warbosses and Warlords pay da Teef to keep dis 'ere loons around. They basically get charged up on the Ork WAAAGH! energy that they release it upon his Ork buddies and it causes an additional WAAAGH!. This is pure Awesome, as all of you know that a WAAAGH! is essential to how the orks play. Imagine not 1, but 2, yes 2, a game. Statistically this should happen once a game. But ( oh no a but!) since the Weirdboy takes his physic test at the Beginning of the shooting phase, you have no way of knowing if you will role a six, so this makes this physic power very hard to use as none of your guys may be in a postion to make a charge, rendering this physic power not as good as it should be.
Overall: 6/10. While his physic powers are good, the random element of it makes it not very effective as a HQ in whole, and he is better off in causal game play then Tournament play.
WAAAGH! DA ORKS! Weirdboyz
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The Y U NO guy seems to not like my picture choice. |
Alright, First things first. Stats. A very modest looking HQ (for orks dat iz!) with the same states as the Big Mek. (basically Nob stats). He comes in at 50 pts, which is good for a psycher. He has no upgrades except for the option of upgrading him to a warphead, allowing him to reroll any roll on the psychic table, the table where he gets his powers. At 30 pts this isn't cheap, but I highly recommend it as it can prove very powerful.
* 1) 'ead banger: causing a frazzle attack, except the template is placed over the Weirdboy. Thoughts: Not exactly a good psychic power. This is one of the reasons to take The Warphead Upgrade. Statistically In a 6 turn game this will happen at least once, and its not when you got a group of 30 boyz around him. When with the Warhead upgrade when you roll this once you only have a 1 in 36 chance of rolling it again, so the odds are in your favor.
* 2) Frazzle: A psychic shooting attack with 24" str: 6 AP:3 blast, pining. Thoughts: I was surprised at how good this was. Its a marine killer, but can also be used as a control spell due to its pining and low AP. Very nice.
* 3) Zzap: A psychic shooting attack with 36" Str:10 AP:2 Melta. Thoughts: The Stats on this thing look great, One of the best tank busters in the game, however, the Weirdboyz BS of 2 keep it in check. Lets estimate the chances of him actually killing a tank with this. Let's assume we target a land raider with armour 14, a Weirdboy has 1/3 chance to hit and 2/3 chance of missing, penetrating on a 5 or higher on 2 dice in melta range (successfully penetrating 26 out of 36 times ). That s 1/3 X 20/36 or 20/114 chance to hit and pen....only a 17.5% success rate. To destroy it you need a 5 or 6, dropping your chances below 6% (not bad math, eh?) meaning this power is not a reliable tank killer. The low BS is a killer and makes this power highly unreliable.
4) Warpath: Gives all models in the Weirdboyz unit an extra attack until the beginning of the next Ork turn. Thoughts: Orks gaining additional attacks is always good, and even better when the effect lasts until the beginning of the next Ork turn. This means Your boyz stay uber through your opponents turn. This means you could if the Weirdboy is attached to a unit of 20 Slugga Boyz you will get 100 attacks, yes, 100 attacks on the charge. Although the boyz would normally get 80 attacks the addition 20 makes your victory even more assured. Its a good physic power and it fits the theme of the army well.
5) 'Ere We Go: This allows the Weirdboy and his unit to be placed anywhere on the board vie deep strike special rules. Thoughts: This is an interesting power, but it says "Via deep strike" and we all know deep strike kinda SUCKS, but really, deep strike now a days is terrible unless your shooty, or your the dumb @$$ blood angles who are so ridiculously good at that because they get the awesome assault when they deep strike, but for Orks it just doesn't work. I've seen people use a mob of Shoota Boyz with him and that can be fun, but not effective.
6) WAAAGH!: this power is exactly as it sounds like, it gives your entire army an extra WAAAGH!. Thoughts: Okay, this is the reason why us Ork Warbosses and Warlords pay da Teef to keep dis 'ere loons around. They basically get charged up on the Ork WAAAGH! energy that they release it upon his Ork buddies and it causes an additional WAAAGH!. This is pure Awesome, as all of you know that a WAAAGH! is essential to how the orks play. Imagine not 1, but 2, yes 2, a game. Statistically this should happen once a game. But ( oh no a but!) since the Weirdboy takes his physic test at the Beginning of the shooting phase, you have no way of knowing if you will role a six, so this makes this physic power very hard to use as none of your guys may be in a postion to make a charge, rendering this physic power not as good as it should be.
Overall: 6/10. While his physic powers are good, the random element of it makes it not very effective as a HQ in whole, and he is better off in causal game play then Tournament play.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Da Klanz Projekt.
I was lookin' around on the waaagh! forum and i found this cool project involving ork clans! I think its a great idea! It is basically is a bunch of codices for diffrent ork clans (bad moons, blood axe's, deff skulls, goffs, ect...) and some extra codices for rebel grots and stuff (hell yah!). Check it out and tell me what you guys think!
Click on this Link.
Click on this Link.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Land speeder (any good)?
Do You guys like the land speeder? i personally like it but i wanna hear from you guys, cuz I'm thinking about doing commission work. (course theres things to touch up on the speeder)
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
WAAAGGH DA ORKS! Big Mek Tactics
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Big Mek Boltz 'ead disembarks from a battle wagon durning the 2nd Rejak war. |
Overall: 9/10 While the stats on the big mek are kinda sucky, the kff mek build is a staple in every ork army, and i think there should be one in every ork army. if your not running one of these guyz, your insane in the membrane (for a not running this guy, but possibly other reasons)!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Stompy da stompa
I love my stompa, so im doing a post on him. ever since i got him a year ago for meh birthday, stompy has served WAAAGH! Skullsmasha faithfuly. his first battle pitted him against my brothers 1000 point force of necrons (it even had a monolith!) but stompy had wiped them off the board by turn 3. his second game was 4500 pts of me and my freinds orks vs. 4500 pts of space marines and eldar. stompy's gigga shoota killed the entire eldar force and half a space marine force before they got their first turn. he latter advanced up and smashed 3 vindicators to bits in a single turn! our oppenents forfitted after that "Incident" and never spoke of it again. of course, that doesn't stop me from talking bout it! my friend used my stompa in a game agianst me ( i was space marines, shame to me!) and destroyed my army, further proving that the stompa is a weapon of mass destruction. for all you veteran players out there i highly recommend you get one, not only does it look cool and has a wonderful set of bitz that come with it, the stompa has the best rulesets in 40k for a good price (for apocalypse that is).
WAAAGGH DA ORKS! warboss tactics.
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Warboss Skullsmasha krumps Lt. Commander Morgan's honor squad. |
Big Choppa +5 pts: gives +2 S.
Wonderful Upgrade, cheap and effective.
Power Klaw +25 pts: gives your warboss double stregth and power weapon but strikes last.
Now Most People use this upgrade on their warboss. sure it sounds nice but my reaservations about this weapon is the fact that it strikes last. While this my not sound so bad to you 40k n00bs out there ( i know your out there), it is a horrible thing to strike last. On nobz i think PK's are mandatory, but because the warboss is an independant character, enemy models in the same combat as him my alocate all their wounds onto him, thus effectivly destroying your ramapging warboss before he can even attack!!!!! those are my problems with pks on warbosses, although it does look awsome ;-).
Shoota kombi whatevers +5 points:
A kombi-skorcha's the only one worth taking, but if you fire it your enemy could pull guys from the front and prevent you from attacking...
Mega-armour +40 pts:
Interesting....i like the mega armour but, the power klaw is their. kinda expensive but could be fun.
Warbike +40 pts:
good upgrade, 4+ armour save plus 4+ cover and on a bike! if your running nob bikers gotta get this upgrade.
ammo runt +3 pts:
attack squig +15 pts:
15 points! your joking.
Cybork body +10 pts, 'eavy armour +5 pts:
both are worth taking.
bosspole +5 pts:
worth it.
Their is an array of ways to work with your Warboss to make the most out of him, and multiply ways to equip him. I'll go over some ways I think are good ways to equip him.
1) Keep da boss cheap!: This is a good build to use with your Warboss, nice and cheap, just the way Orks like it!
Overall Rating: 8/10 worth taking and always always take with a squad of nobz (personaly i cram 'em in a truck). Get 'em to the line and watch the enemy turn into a mass of mangled 'umie bitz.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
hey there! welcome to Waaaagh!hammer. I made this blog to comment on tactics, modeling and painting 40k. right now im just gettin' started and hope you guys enjoy the blog!
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