Big Mek Boltz 'ead disembarks from a battle wagon durning the 2nd Rejak war.
As many people know, big meks are one of the most annoying HQ's in the game. They also happen to be the best HQ in the ork army. cheap at 35 points, the big mek can take basicly anything the warboss can and more. while his stats are less then what you would expect, he makes up for it due to a single piece of wargear, the kustom force field (or KFF as many ork players call it). it is an expensive piece of wargear coming in at 50 pts or so, it gives all models within 6" of the mek's unit or vehicle a 5+ cover save (4+ cover for vehicles). this can shield your entire army. think 5+ cover isn't that importen? well think again. If you think about it, you'll save on average 1/3 of the orks that would have been killed. Plus, its cover so your orks can still save against weapons that would normally pierce their armor. this is massive, and reduces casualties from moving across the field drastically. This works even better with armored lists, since vehicles get a 4+ cover save. the shock attack gun would be fun to try in causal games, but is not very effective over all. the grot oiler is a waste of points, but the burna is actually a good investment, giving him a power weapon and a flamer.
Overall: 9/10 While the stats on the big mek are kinda sucky, the kff mek build is a staple in every ork army, and i think there should be one in every ork army. if your not running one of these guyz,
your insane in the membrane (for a not running this guy, but possibly other reasons)
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